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GSR Park & Stride Scheme


Green School Runs (GSR) Park & Stride is a practical solution for getting children safely to school, without driving them to the gates.


In general, Park & Stride simply involves driving part of the way to school, parking, then walking the rest of the way.


In October 2020, Green School Runs launched a Park & Stride scheme based at the O2 Centre on Finchley Road. The program is open to all families with children at nearby schools. Free parking is available to registered scheme participants during specific school drop-off and pick-up hours. 


This program offers a viable way for parents to access the schools most affected by the Neighbourhoods of the Future Healthy School Street initiative which has closed several streets from all non-residential cars during school run hours from the beginning of November 2020. 


GSR wants to express its thanks to the amazing contribution being made by the O2 Centre and Landsec, which has made this Park & Stride project possible.

How does it work?

  • Families must register via the GSR website.

  • The scheme is open to all families with children in all schools in the area.

  • GSR will allocate the spaces using the following criteria:​

    • Child attends school impacted by Neighbourhoods of the Future School Street Zone.

    • Distance from school - children living further away will be given priority.

    • Frequency of drive - children being driven most frequently will be given priority.

    • Age of children in the car - younger children will be given priority.

    • Number of children in the car - larger car pools will be given priority.

    • Frequency of pass use

    • Order of registration.

  • A minimum of 12 places will be reserved for state school children as, given smaller catchment areas, GSR expects demand from these schools to be lower. However, if there is no take-up on these reserved places they will be awarded as per the above.  

  • Successful registrants can park at the O2 centre for free Monday to Friday between 7:45am and 9:30am and between 3pm and 4:30pm.

  • Parking outside of these hours will be chargeable.

  • When using this service, please remember this is an active car park and so children should be supervised carefully at all times.

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