Walking Bus
A walking school bus is a group of children walking to school with one or more adults.
If that sounds simple it is because, well, it is!! And that’s part of the beauty of the walking school bus. It can be as informal as two families taking turns walking their children to school, to as structured as a route with meeting points, a timetable and a regularly rotated schedule of accompanying adults.
If you would like to start a new walking bus, here are a few simple suggestions:
Start by inviting families who live nearby to join you
Pick a route which is away from major traffic arteries to reduce exposure to air pollution
Decide how often the group will walk together
Don't overthink it! Once you start, you will find that walking buses are easy and fun
If you would like GSR to help you set up a new walking bus, email: walkingbus@greenschoolruns.org
Green School Runs' plans for walking buses in Hampstead - March 2024 Update
Hampstead - with its high density of schools and beautiful footpaths - is an ideal place for walking buses to flourish and help tackle morning congestion.
Green school runs has prepared a school assembly and webinar to raise awareness of walking buses among pupils and parents in NW3.
We have also worked with Camden Council to plan safe walking routes in Hampstead and train parent volunteers to safely accompany children to school.
If you would like to know more about this work and/or would like us to come to your school to run walking bus events, please contact: walkingbus@greenschoolruns.org
Green School Runs' Walking Bus Pilot Project - May 2024 Update
Green School Runs would like to encourage walking to school this May 2024 by running a walking bus from the Jack Straw Castle car park to the UCS Junior Branch school.
We have chosen this route because the Jack Straw Castle car park is a safe and convenient place to stop and drop off children so that they can walk the last part of their journey into Hampstead village, thereby reducing the number of cars entering the village. And, particularly during the morning rush hour, this part of the journey is often quicker to walk than to drive! This route has been approved by Camden and Green School Runs members have been trained by Camden officers on how to walk safely with children.
This walking bus meets on Wednesday mornings at Jack Straw car park at 8am for a prompt 8.05am start.
If you are interested in joining this walking bus project do get in touch at walkingbus@greenschoolruns.org